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Know Where

Your Defenses


Offensive Services



Validate the effectiveness of your existing security controls



Penetration testing takes an adversarial approach to identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities to demonstrate the potential impact of compromise. We offer penetration tests in the following areas, Internal Network, External Network, Wireless Network, Web Apps & APIs, Physical Offices, Cloud Services, and Mobile Apps.



Social engineering is the psychological manipulation of people for the purpose of getting them to carry out actions or divulge confidential information beneficial to an attacker. We offer social engineering testing via: ▪ Telephone ▪ Electronic message (email, chat, and SMS) ▪ Postal mail ▪ Physical site visits



Adversary testing, also known as red teaming, tests your threat prevention, detection, and response capabilities through targeted attacks that seek to evade detection while pursuing a specific goal. It can include multiple attack vectors spanning physical, electronic, and social engineering domains. This level of testing is typically reserved for organizations with a mature security program.

Assumed Breach


Assumed breach testing starts from the position of a "compromised" system on the network. From the context of a compromised system and the corresponding user account, we demonstrate the impact this could have on the business. This form of testing can also be used to show risk from a trusted, but malicious insider perspective.

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